How to book
To book a session please contact me via phone or email to arrange a time and date.
Payments are taken in advance. Please use the website shop after booking or alternatively I can provide other payment options.
If you are unsure as to what service you need, or would like more information, please contact me and I will provide a free brief consultation.
If you would like to find out more about working with me through in an ongoing way please contact me to book a free discovery call. I will help to provide clarity on what may be influencing you and to establish whether the work I do can help and support you. We can then explore a package to suit your needs.
Gift Vouchers are available on request. Please contact me to discuss your needs.
Cancellations & Refunds
If you need to cancel or reschedule a session please contact me at least 48 hours in advance. I will issue a full refund or carry the payment to a rescheduled session.
Refunds will not be provided for cancellations with less than 48 hours' notice. In unavoidable circumstances I may carry your payment to an alternative appointment.
I cannot provide a refund for a Soul Realignment as a great deal of work is carried out in advance.
I do not diagnose, treat, consult or advise about medical conditions. It is the sole responsibility of each individual to seek professional medical advice from someone who is licensed to do so.
Angelic Reiki is different to other forms of reiki as the healing is carried out by Angels and other Beings of 100% pure white light. The facilitator is merely a channel that holds the space linking their own healing angel and others to the client. The healing is whatever a person needs.
What people experience varies and no two healing sessions are the same. People can see lights, colours and images. They sometimes feel sensations and hear a message from within. It really does vary person to person and session to session, however there is always a feeling of peace, love and calm and a rise in your vibration.
Chakra balancing checks and balances the seven main Chakras. Chakras are energy centres each with their own unique purpose. Chakras can become overactive or underactive, which can have an impact on our mental, emotional and physical health.
Having your Chakras balanced is relaxing and will improve your state of well-being. It can help you to feel calmer and to sleep well. Depending on which Chakras were out of balance it can help in many different ways such as grounding, creativity, sense of self, self-love, communication or intuition. I will provide you with information about the Chakras after the balancing if you wish.
Tarot is a unique method of guidance that will reflect your situation with the knowledge of your subconscious and the wisdom of your Soul.
It is not simple fortune telling, as your future is not set nor is there anyone in control other than you. Tarot can provide an indication of the likely outcome to a situation if you continue as you are. However, you do not have to continue as you are. All our lives flow like a river and we are powerful creators who can makes choices and changes at any given moment in time – honestly we can.
Tarot is therefore of significant benefit when you engage with the reader to uncover the message your true Self wants to share and to identify positive actions that you can take to support you as you move forward on your path.
To find all the information and advice you need I use a variety of spreads and decks. I also use my pendulum to access your Akashic record for answers to your questions. Together we can explore your story.
The Access Bars® are 32 points on the head that contain all the thoughts, feelings, ideas, beliefs, emotions and considerations you have stored in any lifetime that are holding you back from having all of you.
When gently touched they can release anything that doesn’t allow you to receive. So deeply relaxing and nurturing The Bars allow you to unlock areas of your life that have been keeping you stuck.
The Bars® can start to dissolve limitations and judgements that you have held onto for lifetimes and create a sense of space, clarity, ease and possibility.
Access Bars® can feel like hitting the delete button on your computer’s cluttered hard drive – only this time, you’re creating space in your brain. Things like negative thought patterns, or that endless mental chatter keeping you awake at night, can be released and make space for the calm you’ve been seeking.
Hundreds of thousands of people have used Access Bars to change many aspects of their body and their life, including sleep, health, weight, money, sex and relationships, anxiety, stress, and so much more.
Having your ‘Bars run’ (receiving a session) is relaxing and peaceful; imagine the after-effects of a great massage or walk in nature. At worst, that’s all you’ll feel! At best, you can feel a sense of total ease, unlike anything else, that starts to change your whole life.
What to Expect
During an Access Bars session you will be fully clothed, lying comfortably on a massage table. I will gently touch 32 points on your head. During a session most people notice that the thoughts in their head begin to dissipate and many often drift off to sleep. The Bars session may leave you feeling relaxed, calm and recharged.
Access Bars® for Children
The Access Bars® are a fantastic way to create change in any area that is inhibiting a child’s growth and happiness. The Bars® points can unlock areas of a child’s life that are creating dis-harmony.
An Access Bars® session can dissolve limitations and judgements that they are holding onto, creating a sense of ease and possibility.
Sessions support children with improved sleep, focus, relaxation and calm. They can lead to decreased symptoms around issues such as anxiety, depression, phobias and eating disorders. They can also support Special Educational Needs such as ADHD and ASD by calming the mind and aiding relaxation.
What to Expect
Your child’s session will run from 15 to 30 minutes. I will either run the session on my massage table or whilst they sit on a chair or on the floor. This will depend on their age, ability to lie still and what they are comfortable with. Children can play, read, draw etc. whilst they receive the session. As I am a teacher I am very good with children and will help them to get the most of the session. You may stay in the room for the duration of your child’s session.
Soul Realignment®
A Soul Realignment® will provide you with a deep understanding of yourself at Soul level, and much needed clearing of blocks and restrictions, to enable you to discover your true power.
A Soul Realignment® is a substantial piece of healing work which has the capacity to bring about significant personal growth and improvements in your life.
You will connect to, know and understand your own unique Soul Blueprint as it was at the point of your Soul's creation. Knowing your Divine gifts and being able to avoid dysfunction can bring about great change on all levels as living in accordance with your gifts leads to increased happiness, abundance and ease. The identification of your Soul's origional home and group can help you to understand your character traits and to feel connected and at ease with who you are.
A Soul Realignment® provides the opportunity to clear all blocks and restrictions, your Soul is ready to release, that have been created during this and all previous lifetimes. You will hear about significant past lives where the karmic patterns began, that still affect you today. It is important to acknowledge and take responsibility for the choices we have made and the karmic cycles we are experiencing as a direct result, in order to break free and move on from them.
The Soul reading is carried out through your Akashic Record and clearing takes places at all dimensions of your Soul. I will ask you for your full name and any changes and your date and place of birth prior to starting your reading.
You can receive feedback in person, over the phone or online. I will present your reading and answer any questions you may have. This usually takes around one hour. There is no need to make notes, as you will receive a typed report of all important information. You will also receive, via email, 21-day bespoke clearing homework for you to perform to help integrate changes. Please email or message me any follow up questions within the next 2 days.
After this it is over to you for your part of the realignment. The most important thing you can do after this work is carried out is to make small choices every day that are in alignment with your Soul Blueprint. The more positive choices you make the more Vital Force Energy you get and the easier choices become.
To support you with this process I will schedule a 15 minute follow up call, in around four weeks, to find out how are you doing, to answer any questions and to offer any support and advice.
A Property Realignment® will provide you with a a full property clearing of all energies, entities and issues that do not serve you.
It is worth considering a Property Realignment for any issues in your home. Issues can include intense feelings such as low mood or anger, trouble sleeping, awareness of a presence, things going wrong, items being lost, areas of the house people are uncomfortable in or just a sense of unease. This list is by no means exhaustive - if you are unsure whether this is right for you please contact me.
If you are planning on selling your property, a Realignment can help to improve the energy of your property, so it appeals to buyers.
A Property Realignment is also worthwhile when you are increasing your own awareness and vibration, as it is extremely important that your property is a match to you.
This is an excellent addition to a Soul Realignment as it ensures there are no negative thought forms or spiritual attachments etc. in your property that can influence you.
I need your full address and consent from the home owner in order to carry out this work. All research and clearing is done remotely via access to the Akashic record for the property. You will receive feedback in over the phone and a brief report will be emailed to you following feedback.. This usually takes around 20 minutes.
Creating your future through the Akashic Record
Creating your future through the Akashic Record (Life Lesson Reading included)
If you want to create something new in your life in the next 6 months then this is the package to help you achieve that goal. Through your Akashic Record we will first identify your life lessons and assess your vibrational state and the ease at which you create and sustain change. The Records will help confirm or tweak your intention to ensure it is in alignment and not just possible but probable.
If there is anything you fear 'going wrong' as you work towards your goal we can assess and avoid any possibililty of it occurring. Your own carefully planned actions will be assessed for their alignment to your goal and your Soul gifts along with the likely impact on your vibrational state.
Some research in your Records is carried out prior to the session, but most of the work is carried out with you in a one hour Coaching style session, which can be face to face or online. This package includes ongoing support for the 6 months which can be organised in way that you find most beneficial. For example: monthly 30 minute online coaching sessions to assess your progress and to course correct along with brief weekly checks in to support you as you develop an awareness of the small indicators you are manifesting.
It would be of great benefit, although not essential, to have a Soul Realignemnt prior to these readings, as you will already have a good undertstanding of your Soul Blueprint, and your gifts and many blocks restrictions will have been cleared. For more information about any of this work, or to discover which work would be of most benefit to you in your situation please contact me to arrange a free, no obligation, consultaiton or discovery call.
Current Situation Reading
This reading will help to identify any issues and energies affecting you in your life today. This is an excellent session to support you if you are struggling to achieve your goals, things are going wrong or if you just feel something around you is not right. It will assess a wide range of blocks and restrictions that could be influencing you to establish what the core issues are. A clearing and advice on actions you can take will leave you free to create with clarity and will bring about improvements in your current situation.
Relationship Reading
This reading will provide clear information regarding the history of two Souls, shared life lessons, and any blocks affecting your relationship. Many of the blocks can be energetically cleared following the reading, others require action at the physical level. This is suitable for partners, friends, family or business partners. The reading will also identify and clear general bocks and restrictions that affect you in all your relationships.
Life Lesson Reading
A Life Lesson reading will discover your primary life lesson and any supporting secondary lessons. It will establish your progress towards fulfilling lessons. It will also identify the areas of your life where the lesson is currently showing up and the essence of the energy you identify with. This is highly beneficial when you are evaluating your life and considering making changes and it is also great fun to understand what your Soul set out to focus on in this lifetime.
Spirit Guide Profile
A Spirit Guide reading will tell you who your Inner Spirit Guide Team are. You will discover a range of information including where they are from, the age they joined you, their areas of specialism and vibrational rate, specific areas they are here to support you with and any guidance they have for you. It is wonderful to be able to call on specific guides to support you as you create your journey.
Chakra Analysis
A Chakra Analysis with assess the balance of all Chakras at your physical, mental and emotional body. This will clearly indicate areas of your life and health that require focus. Through accessing your Akashic record we can establish key areas for you to focus on to bring about balance and harmony.
Your Investment
Please contact me to arrange a booking before making a purchase.
Access Bars®
Access Bars® Session £45
60-80 minutes
Access Bars® for children (under 15) £15
15-30 minutes
Healing & Tarot
Chakra Balancing and Angelic Reiki £40
50-60 minutes
Tarot Reading with Akashic questions £40
50-60 minutes
Group Bookings
Shorter healing and tarot sessions are available for group events, such as parties and functions. Please contact me, so we can agree a package to suit your needs.
Soul Realignment®
Soul Realignment® £185
60 minute feedback
Please contact me for a family discount if you would like to purchase several Soul Realignments.
Property Realignment®
Property Realignment £65
20 minute feedback.
Further Soul Realignment®
Readings & Guidance
Life Lessons Reading £40
Chakra analysis of your physical, emotional and mental body £50
Relationship Reading £80
Your Spirit Guide Profile £80
Current Situation Reading £80
Creating your Future through the Akashic Records; Readings and 6 months of coaching and suppprt £500